Over 200 years of Masonry in Union, South Carolina
Union #75
From The secretary
Hello Brethren,
I welcome you to our website. Chartered and established in 1818, Union Lodge # 75 is the oldest Masonic Lodge in Union County, and in the 12th Masonic District.
During the Past Masonic Year (2023) we increased the membership with 4 new members. The Grand Architect of the Universe called 12 of our members home and we conferred 4 Masonic Funerals. We finished the year with 241 members. We have several candidates awaiting Degrees. During the year, the lodge was opened a total of 18 times for 12 Regular Meetings, 2 Degrees, and 4 Funerals.
If you are a former member who has been dropped for non-payment of dues, please take time to reflect on what Masonry means to you. You can be reinstated by filling out a re-instatement form and paying one year back dues and one-year current dues. You will have to go through the investigation and ballot process as you did when you entered Masonry. Dues are payable and due in advance on October 1 and delinquent on October 31 of each year.
If you are a current member but not attending actively, we welcome you and urge you to attend YOUR lodge meeting soon. Our Regular Business meeting is held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm. We eat at 6:30 pm.
Reminders of meetings and degree notices are sent out via email. If you wish to receive these emails, please send me an email and I will add you.
I am your Secretary. If I can be of any assistance to you whatsoever, please give me a call. I keep petitions for the Blue Lodge, The York Rite, and The Scottish Rite, the Hejaz Shrine, and The Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America.
I can be reached at the following:
Cell (864) 426-3448 dltollison@bellsouth.net
1957 Jonesville Hwy, Union, S.C. 29379
F. Dean Tollison
Lodge Secretary